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스몰비즈니스를 하시는 사업자 중에서 COVID 19 이후에 다음 항목에 지출하신 금액에 대해서는 최대 5,000불까지 정부로부터 지원을 받을 수 있다고 합니다.


  • Purchase of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 


  • Renovation of space to adhere to re-opening guidelines 


  • Enhancement of website/ developing E-commerce capability 



신청접수는 10월 26일부터 온라인으로 접수를 받고 있습니다. 아래 링크 주소를 참조하세요.




참고로 해당 사이트에 있는 질의/응답 내용을 첨부합니다. 참조해보시기 바랍니다.


Canada United Program Application: Question and Answers


캐나다 유나이티드 프로그램 신청 : 질문  답변



Program Eligibility  프로그램 자격요건



Q: I am a franchisee can I apply to the program?


Q : 프랜차이즈입니다프로그램에 신청할  있습니까?



A: Yes, individual franchisee owners can apply.


A : 개별 프랜차이즈 소유자가 신청할  있습니다.



Q: I am receiving other COVID-19 related government funding to support my business (CEWS, CECRA, CEBA and TWSE) Can I still apply to the program?


Q :  사업을 지원하기 위해 다른 COVID-19 관련 정부 자금을 받고 있습니다 (CEWS, CECRA, CEBA  TWSE) 프로그램에 계속 지원할  있습니까?



A: Yes, a company can be receiving other COVID-19 related government funding if those funds have not been used to purchase items or services included in your Canada United application.


A : 캐나다 유나이티드 신청서에 포함  항목이나 서비스를 구매하는  해당 자금이 사용되지 않은 경우 회사는 다른 COVID-19 관련 정부 자금을받을  있습니다.



Q: If I am a sole proprietor can I apply?


Q : 개인 사업자  경우 신청할  있습니까?



A: Yes, sole proprietorships are eligible to apply.


A : 개인 사업자도 신청할  있습니다.



Q: Does my company need to have a minimum amount of annual sales to apply and what is the threshold?


Q : 우리 회사는 적용하기 위해 최소 연간 매출액이 있어야 합니까그리고 매출한도 금액은 얼마입니까?



A: Certain eligibility requirements have been put in place to help us increase the impact of the grant. In order to qualify for the CUSBRF a company must have reported annual sales of $150,000 in the past fiscal year (2019).


A : 지원금의 영향력을 높이기 위해 특정 자격 요건이 마련되었습니다. CUSBRF 자격을 얻으려면 회사는 지난 회계 연도 (2019) $150,000의 연간 매출액이 보고되었어야 합니다.



Q: Do I need to attach proof of my $1,000,000 of commercial general liability insurance?


Q : $ 1,000,000 상업 일반 책임 보험 증빙 자료를 첨부해야합니까?



A: No, you do not need to attach your insurance certificate.


A : 아니요보험증을 첨부  필요는 없습니다.  (해당 보험 가입여부가 필수요건임.)



Filling out the Application 신청서 작성요령



Q: What counts as proof of purchase and proof of payment?


Q : 구매 증명  결제 증명으로 간주되는 것은 무엇입니까?



A: This is a reimbursement grant and so the applicant must have completed all activities directly related to the eligible expenses noted in the application prior to applying for the grant. All required documents must be attached when submitting the application. Eligible expenses are those expenses that have been directly incurred by the applicant no earlier than March 15, 2020 and must be supported by a valid proof of purchase, which must include the following: 1. Either a cashier’s receipt or an invoice accompanied by proof of payment (credit card statement, e-transfer, bank statement, wire transfer, cancelled cheque from a financial institution) Note: we will not accept internal accounting documents marked paid; 2. It must clearly show the name of the item, the cost of the item, the quantity and the purchase date. If submitting documentation that includes multiple purchases, highlight/make clear the eligible expense the program will consider; and 3. It must be legible and submitted in either JPG or PDF format. Please have your documents scanned and ready before applying. The amount eligible for an application does not include any taxes occurred with the purchase of items.


A : 이것은 상환 보조금이므로 신청자는 보조금을 신청하기 전에 신청서에 명시된 적격 비용과 직접 관련된 모든 활동을 완료해야합니다신청서를 제출할  필요한 모든 서류를 첨부해야합니다적격 비용은 2020  3  15  이후에 신청자가 직접 발생한 비용으로 다음을 포함하는 유효한 구매 증빙 자료로 뒷받침되어야합니다.


1. 계산원의 영수증 또는 영수증이 첨부  송장 지불 (신용 카드 명세서전자 이체은행 명세서전신 송금금융 기관의 수표 취소참고 : 지불  것으로 표시된 내부 회계 문서는 허용되지 않습니다.


2. 품목 이름품목 비용수량  구매 날짜가 명확하게 표시되어야합니다여러 구매가 포함  문서를 제출하는 경우 프로그램에서 고려하고 있는 적격한 비용을 강조 표시 / 명확하게 확인 가능하게 해주세요.


3. 읽을  있어야하며 JPG 또는 PDF 형식으로 제출해야합니다신청하기 전에 문서를 스캔하고 준비하십시오신청할 수있는 금액에는 품목 구매시 발생한 세금이 포함되지 않습니다.



Q: Can I submit a partially paid invoice?


Q : 부분적으로 지불  인보이스를 제출할  있습니까?



A: No, all payments must be paid in full.


A : 아니요모든 지불은 전액 지불해야합니다.



Q: Is a computer or laptop eligible under the program?


Q : 컴퓨터 또는 노트북이 프로그램에 해당됩니까?



A: No, the program does not cover the cost of laptops or computers.


A : 아니요, 프로그램은 노트북이나 컴퓨터 비용을 포함하지 않습니다.



Q: Can I hire a consultant to help me create a new marketing plan or a digital strategy plan.


Q : 새로운 마케팅 계획이나 디지털 전략 계획을 세우는  도움을  컨설턴트를 고용   있습니까?



A: No, the program does not cover the cost of business consultants.


A : 아니요. 프로그램은 비즈니스 컨설턴트 비용을 부담하지 않습니다.



Q: I have hired a janitorial company to clean my business, is this an eligible cost?


Q :  사업을 청소하기 위해 청소 회사를 고용했습니다이것이 적격  비용입니까?



A: No, the program will not cover the cost of janitorial services.


A : 아니요. 프로그램은 청소 서비스 비용을 부담하지 않습니다.



Q: My company now has a portion of our staff working remotely, will the grant cover costs associated with this move?


Q : 우리 회사는 현재 원격으로 일하는 직원의 일부를 보유하고 있습니다지원금이 이러한 변경과 관련된 비용을 충당합니까?



A: No, costs associated with remote working are not covered by the program.


A : 아니요원격 근무와 관련된 비용은 프로그램에 포함되지 않습니다.



Q: My company was already using software like Shopify or Zoom prior to the COVID-19 lockdown, will you cover the cost of these services?


Q : 우리 회사는 COVID-19 잠금 이전에 Shopify 또는 Zoom 같은 소프트웨어를 이미 사용하고있었습니다이러한 서비스 비용을 부담   있습니까?



A: No, the program only covers incremental enhancements. You must demonstrate to us in your application that you are either signing up to these services after March 15, 2020 or that you have purchased additional enhancements.


A : 아니요프로그램은 추가로 개선된 항목만을 다루고 있습니다애플리케이션에서 2020  3  15  이후에 이러한 서비스에 가입했거나 추가 개선 항목을 구매했음을 입증해야합니다.



Q: What counts as an eligible renovation?


Q : 적격 리노베이션으로 간주되는 것은 무엇입니까?


A: Renovations are defined as any alterations, temporary or permanent, made to your business specifically to reduce the risk of customers or staff contracting the novel coronavirus, referred to as COVID-19. These can include: • The building or purchase of physical barriers (plexiglass, sneeze guards, etc.) • The creation of signage or floor markers • The building or purchase of sanitizing stations • The building or purchase of materials used to create a structure to facilitate curbside pickup or contactless payment, or to otherwise move aspects of your business outside (Outside buildings, tents, etc.) • The alteration of a building’s windows and doors • The installation of touchless devices such as doors or waste containers& bathroom facilities (taps, etc.) • The alterations or installation of electrical and plumbing work to meet code for renovating organization space • The installation or purchase of equipment/furniture to ensure safe customer facing operations. This can also include renting furniture to be used on a safe temporary basis to meet physical distancing guidelines. • Third party labour costs associated with any of the above, provided there is no conflict of interest with such third party



A : 리노베이션은 특히 COVID-19라고하는 신종 코로나 바이러스에 감염된 고객이나 직원의 위험을 줄이기 위해 귀하의 비즈니스에 적용되는 일시적 또는 영구적  변경으로 정의됩니다여기에는 다음이 포함될  있습니다.


 • 물리적 장벽 (플렉시 글라스재채기 보호대 ) 구축 또는 구입


 • 간판 또는 바닥 마커의 생성 • 소독 스테이션의 구축 또는 구입


• 구조물을 만드는  사용되는 건물 또는 재료 구입 도로변 수거 또는 비접촉 결제를 용이하게하거나 비즈니스의 다른 측면을 외부로 이동 (건물텐트 )


• 건물의 창문   변경 • 문이나 쓰레기통  욕실 시설 (수도꼭지) 같은 비접촉 장치 설치 )


• 조직 공간 개보수를위한 규정을 준수하기위한 전기  배관 공사의 변경 또는 설치


• 안전한 고객 대면 작업을 보장하기위한 장비 / 가구의 설치 또는 구매여기에는 물리적 거리 제한 지침을 충족하기 위해 임시로 안전하게 사용할 가구를 임대하는 것도 포함될  있습니다.


• 위와 관련된  3  인건비 (해당  3 자와 이해 상충이없는 경우)



Q: How will I be notified if I have been approved or declined for funding?


Q : 자금 지원이 승인 또는 거부  경우 어떻게   있습니까?



A: Within approximately 40 business days of submitting your application you will receive an email to the email address provided in your application. Please ensure you check you junk and spam folders for our response.


A : 신청서를 제출   영업일 기준  40  이내에 신청서에 제공된 이메일 주소로 이메일을 받게됩니다우리의 응답을 위해 정크  스팸 폴더를 확인하십시오



Q: How does the review process work?


Q : 검토 프로세스는 어떻게 진행됩니까?



A: Applications will be assessed using the following criteria: • Eligibility of applicant; • Eligibility of activities and expenditures for funding; • Completeness of the application; • Time the application is received; and • Ensuring a broad number of priority sectors and regions of Canada benefit from the program. There is no guarantee that you will be approved for funding even if you meet all the necessary eligibility.



A : 지원서는 다음 기준에 따라 평가됩니다.


• 지원자 자격;


• 자금 지원을 위한 활동  지출 자격;


• 신청서의 완전성;


• 신청서를받은 시간;


• 캐나다의 다양한 우선 부문과 지역이 프로그램의 혜택을 받도록 보장합니다.


필요한 모든 자격을 충족하더라도 자금 지원 승인을받을 것이라는 보장은 없습니다.



Q: I have been approved for funding how will I receive my payment?


Q : 자금 지원 승인을 받았는데 어떻게 지급금을 받게됩니까?



A: If your application has been approved for funding you will receive an approval email sent to the email address provided in your application. You must respond to this email with your Electronic Funds Transfer information. Upon receipt of this information we will release your payment within 30 business days.


A : 지원서에 자금 지원이 승인  경우 지원서에 제공된 이메일 주소로 승인 이메일을 받게됩니다전자 송금 정보와 함께 해당 이메일에 회신을 보내야 합니다 정보를 받으면 영업일 기준 30  이내에 귀하에게 지급할 것입니다.



그럼 수고하세요.


* 스몰 비즈니스 관련 회계 및 세무 신고에 대한 정보가 필요하신 분은 아래 유튜브 동영상 링크를 참조하세요.

  해당림크를 클릭하시면 관련 동영상을 시청하실 수 있습니다.



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