일반렌트(장기) Century Park LRT 근처 콘도 렌트 $1500 하실 가족이나 부부, 아님 직원, 학생, 등등 찾습니다!작성자: Melody 조회 수: 546
깔끔하고 위치나 교통이 아주 편한 콘도를 렌트 하실 분을 찾습니다! 집 사진들은 파일이 너무 커서 올리기 어려워요 > 이 주소를 복사해서 한번 보십시오: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SjcJ_8C81kRbaCgobXTmvwx9LXKjO3f0tMTwtiM1hJM/edit?usp=sharing
입주는 12월 부터 바로 가능 하시고요 렌트비는 월 $1500 (콘도fee 는 저희가 내주나 Utility Fee는 별도입니다), 디파짓도 $1500 입니다.
렌트 기간은 최소 1년 입니다.
Century Park LRT에서 아주 가깝고 (걸어서 10분, 차/버스 타서 2분 걸이)
주차는 야외 주차 가능하세요. 차가 없으신분들이 편하게 쓰실수 있는 버스스탑도 집 바로 몇초 거리에 있습니다!
Century Park LRT는 University of Alberta나 NAIT로 바로 연결되니 학생들이 쓰시기에 아주 좋은 걸이고 교통을 편하게 쓰실수있는 위치입니다.
근처에는 슈퍼마켓, LRT, 운동장, 식당, 등, 많습니다.
동네는 아주 조용하고 안전한 곳이니 직장이나 학교 마치고 오시면 편한하게 마음 놓고 쉴수있어요!
집 안에는: 큰방 하나, 작은방 하나, 주방, 거실, 화장실 하나로 되있습니다.
큰방을 침실로 쓰시고 작은방을 스터디나 Guest Room으로 쓰실수 있고,
혹시나 집이 혼자 오시기에는 너무 넓다 싶으시면 친구나 룸메이트를 미리 구하셔서 같이 렌트 하시는것도 좋습니다.
새롭게 레노베이션을 2022년에해서 아주 깔끔하고 이쁩니다! 집 사진들은 파일이 너무 커서 올리기 어려워요 > 이 주소를 복사해서 한번 보십시오: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SjcJ_8C81kRbaCgobXTmvwx9LXKjO3f0tMTwtiM1hJM/edit?usp=sharing
렌트 하시기 전에 집 viewing도 있을거고 계약서랑 인터뷰도 포함 합니다.
궁금하신 점이 더 있으시면 카카오톡 아이디 maryeun7 이나, 전화번호 5879859838, 이메일 주소 maryeun7@gmail.com 으로 연락 주세요 :)
Greeting fellow beautiful people,
I am posting to announce that this spacious and cozy carriage bungalow home, located in a very popular area, will soon be available to you starting December 2024.
In this home, we have ready for you: an open space kitchen, spacious living room, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, laundry machine and dryer, dishwasher, oven/stove, fridge/freezer, walk-in closet, a balcony, and a storage room on the balcony. All new appliances and newly renovated!
This home is the ideal home for a family with children, a loving couple, or even a group of friends to rent together. This condo was recently renovated in 2022. We spent a lot of money to make this home look newer than ever for whoever will be renting.
The home is located very close to Century Park LRT, just 10-15 minutes away by foot, and 2 minutes by bus (which comes very often right in front of the neighborhood, so no need to run to make it in time). Also by walking 10-15 minutes, you can make it to the supermarket (FreshCo- low grocery prices), liquor stores, restaurants, bars, and even the gym (YMCA)! If you keep walking down from there, there are so many other small businesses and restaurants you can support in that area too!
This quiet and cozy carriage home is perfectly situated steps away from the scenic Blackmud Creek Ravine and walking trails, and it has quick access to Anthony Henday and Whitemud, making commuting a breeze.
Our neighborhood is by far (in my very honest opinion) the safest location and area to live in. My family and I have lived in that home for 15+ years and never has there been any type of disturbance or emergency to us, our home, or any others. Our current tenant had even gone out of her way to tell us about how her and her family are adjusting perfectly and how beautiful the place is for the price.
With inflation and competitive housing rates, it is hard to keep up financially, for my family and I as well. But we didn't want others to have to go scavenging through listing after listing to find a house right for them, just to get smacked in the face with the price. Although our neighbourhood rents out with higher rental prices monthly ($1800+, condo fees and utilities not included), we wanted to keep it lower for those of you who have a certain budget.
We will only ask for $1500 monthly, we will even pay for the monthly condo fees while you live there, but unfortunately we cannot include the utilities, so that will be a separate fee from the rent.
I would love to meet you/you guys to show you around the house and neighborhood, so please feel free to reach out to email maryeun7@gmail.com or leave a voicemail at 5879859838, and I'll be sure to respond as soon as I can. More info on deposit, contracts, and any answers to your questions will be given to you if you like the place! As the file is too large, I cannot post the pictures directly here; please copy and paste this link to view the house pictures: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SjcJ_8C81kRbaCgobXTmvwx9LXKjO3f0tMTwtiM1hJM/edit?usp=sharing
Have a wonderful rest of your day, and stay safe :)